It is commendable that the
government through some of its agencies decided to get basic information of the
most part of the citizenry through some of the most widely used services:
communication and banking. Thank God it wasn’t the States’ Water Corporation
that attempted to demand registration; at least we know the government can get
some things right. What is however not sure are some questions like: what is to
be done with this data? How is the data to be managed? How often should it be
updated? What legal issues arise from any mismanagement or error of same? Since
#change commenced we can ask questions and analyze issues in the light of the
letter and spirit of the law, principles and precedents in the name of “keeping
tabs with good governance”.

ks a great deal in a very little way against the fight on terrorism in the country. Since my registration till now, I have changed address twice. Yet I have not updated with my service provider. Before you judge me as being the major problem of the country as we are quick to doing, we should also not forget that we are a lot to be judged. Without justifying my irresponsibility, I recommend that service providers should do periodic checks on their subscribers to ensure information is up to date instead of raining our phones, running down our batteries and a lot of times distracting our attention with those 5-digit messages and 6 digit line calls to advertise one new product or the other that we are really not interested in.
Most importantly, there should
be more awareness as to the utilization of this data, verification of same and
connection with other amenities subscribed for by such an individual. I should
be able to link my electricity distribution account, or television service with
my line and also my water corporation subscription. This way, it would be worth
it, doing a police report for an “ordinary” SIM Card that gets missing.

Whether effective or not
effective, we need to know how this data is managed. We need an automated
process of registration. Clusters are no longer encouraged in the country with
such incidences as the Ebola break out, riots, and other dangerous attacks we
are prone to in recent times. ID Cards should be issued with a sensible
collection process, not one I have to bribe my way to collect; the already
gathered data should be wide spread across agencies and service providers. I
should have an identity number that I can provide when booking an online
flight, registering a business name, or even applying for admission to a
university, that would allow access to my full data as last updated by me. That
way, services are faster, customer satisfaction is easier and everyone is happy
to have registered. Internet hacking is not new in the world, the agencies in
charge should guard properly the information and bear liability in the event of
a negligent leak.